Well, we are almost there. We have cleared the spot for the barn, located a builder, a septic guy and plumber, and set the date for the build. We have done our plans through an architect, and are ready to go forward. Through all the lengthy (and sometimes painful) process of designing the floor plans, picking out windows, and making lots of phone calls, we are finally at a bend in the road that should see progress by the end of summer.
Now, it is time to step back and ask myself; what do I want? Aside from picking out the colors of the barn walls and trim, what do I hope to have at the end of it all? As I step back from all the planning, I have to revisit that question. I must make sure I have not veered off track on all of this, and occasionally have to re-evaluate why we did this in the first place.
I want to spend clear nights under the stars, with nothing obstructing my view but a few tall and healthy trees. I want to see so many stars when I look up each night that I experience a child-like amazement, like it were the first time every time. I want to hear the sounds of the night; hoot owls, coyote howls, and frog croaks. Not the too-close hum of busy highway traffic that never ceases, even deep into the night.
I want to wake up each morning and walk out my door to smell sweet wet grass and wild weeds and the dust in the dirt. I want to hear the birds echoing through the trees and drink my morning coffee on a long, long porch in an old chair. I want to watch the light grow in the blue sky and not hear car alarms and traffic and loud, booming car speakers.
I want to see nothing but the view of meadow and forest out my windows, and maybe an occasional passing deer. I want time and schedules to slow down. I want peace.
I want my grandchildren to grow up climbing trees, playing in the dirt, hiking, camping, and fishing on this place for years to come. I want to hear their laughter often through the woods. I want them to love this place as much as I do. I want to continually improve it, so it will provide years of enjoyment to our family and our friends. I want when I am gone, for it to be a treasure for my children and grandchildren to continue to cherish.
What don’t I want? I don’t want our time here to ever end.